Budget 2021
15 October 2020 – 9.30 am
PSC Taxation Services are hosting a webinar, to provide a detailed analysis of Budget 2021, and how this budget will affect both you and your business.
We invite you to join us from 9.30 am on the 15th of October 2020 for a live discussion on Budget 2021 and what it means for you and your finances.
We will provide you with detailed analysis and opinion of Budget 2021 and other topical issues. We will discuss key challenges facing Irish businesses and recommendations on how best to manage
your business going forward.
The invitation to our webinar is: https://zoom.us/j/94871903658?pwd=UndqMkhiRWlZdURHZHVpd3owL2Jsdz09
If you require any further information please contact our office at info@psc.ie or on 066 – 7126 333.
We look forward to having you there.